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OCR: REPRESENTATIVE CUSTOMER SUPPORT APPLICATIONS Listed here are external help desk or customer support products. For'a listing of internal (IT) help desks, reference Software Magazine, May 1995. For more information about a particular product, circle the corresponding reader service number on the reader service card located elsewhere in this issue. Compiled by Products Editor Deborah Melewski. Product/ Company Circle Number Comment Product/ Company Circle Number Comment AnswerSet Corp. Clientele DOS, Windows; call track- Quintus Corp CustomerQ Unix; Windows, NT; cus- Lake Oswego, OR Circle No. 299 ing, keyword search, help Mountain View, CA Circle No. 316 tomer information man- desk, customer support, agement; help desk; problem management defect tracking; sales Astea International PowerHelp Unix; VMS; Windows, NT; and marketing Bedford, MA Circle No. 300 client/server help desk, Repository CustomerFirst Windows, NT, OS/2; Unix; customer support Technologies Inc. Circle No. 317 client/server internal and Aurum Software SupportTrak; Unix; Windows; client/serv- Woodridge, IL external help desk Santa Clara, CA TeleTrak; er-based customer support, Saratoga Systems Inc. SPS MVS, Windows; Unix; cus- SalesTrak call management, problem Campbell, CA Circle No. 318 tomer and sales info Circle No. 301 resolution, call dispatch, management field sales, telesales Windows, NT; SQL Server, Scopus SupportTeam; Sybase, Oracle, Windows Bate Tech Software Inc. CustomerOne Technology SalesTeam; NT SQL Server; customer Denver, CO Circle No. 302 full-text knowledge base Emeryville, CA QualityTeam search, retrieval, E-mail, Circle No. 319 information system: help desk, customer service; online conferencing sales/marketing; quality Brock Control Systems TakeControl Unix; DOS, Windows; cus- assurance Atlanta, GA Circle No. 303 tomer interaction soft- Siemens Rolm ProCenter; Server-based automatic ware; field sales, inside Communications Inc. ResumeRouting call distribution; matches sales, marketing, cus- Santa Clara, CA Circle No. 320 representative's skills to tomer support applications customer requirements Clarify Inc. ClearSupport Unix; Windows, NT; Mac; Silvon Software SDM Support- OS/400; help desk and San Jose, CA Circle No. 304 includes help desk, cus- Westmont, IL Center: SDM customer support; tomer service manage- SalesTracker sales planning, tracking ment, defect tracking Circle No. 321 Data Systems Support Sales Information Windows, NT; Unix; client/ Software Artistry Expert Advisor Windows, OS/2; problem New York, NY Response server; sales force automa- Indianapolis, IN Circle No. 322 management, call logging System (Sirs) tion, customer support, and customer service Circle No. 305 lead generation, telemar- keting, remote, mobile SolutionDesk SolutionDesk Windows; Novell networks; support Gurnee, IL Circle No. 323 help desk, call tracking; records and tracks product Early, Cloud & Co. CallFlow Client/server-based distri- info requests for sales Newport, RI Circle No. 306 buted call center system with business workflow Solve it Once MultiHelp OpenVMS; problem track- Technologies (SIO) Circle No. 324 ing, resolution for help EIS International Centenium Chevy Chase, MD desks and customer service Stamford, CT Circle No. 307 Unix; client/server; call center, customer service SQL Software PCMS*Helpbench Sun Solaris; Windows; H&V Business Systems TechniCall DOS; tech support system; Vierina, VA Circle No. 325 client/server, Lotus Notes- Novato, CA Circle No. 308 access to customer data based help desk, customer Lysis Corp. Lysis System 2100 Unix; VMS; DOS, Windows, support, problem tracking Atlanta, GA Circle No. 309 NT, OS/400, OS/2; custo- Target Systems Corp. Target Enterprise Windows, NT; client/ mer support Marlboro, MA Suite server; help desk, includes Magic Solutions Inc. : SupportMagic Windows, NT; expert sys- Circle No. 326 Target Service for external Mahwah, NJ Circle No. 310 tem-based help desk, customer support call and problem tracking TeLevel! Inc. TeleSell Windows; client/server; Marketrieve Co. Marketrieve Plus Windows, Mac networks; Milpitas, CA Circle No. 327 integrated sales, market- Londonderry, NH Circle No. 311 marketing, sales, ing, customer support customer service Teloquent Com Distributed DOS, Windows; Unix; On!Contact On!Contact Unix-based; sales, market- munications Corp. Call Center client/server call distribu- Software Corp. Enterprise ing, telemarketing, Billerica, MA Circle No. 328 tion, routing Cedarburg, W! Circle No. 312 customer service The Vantive Corp. Vantive Enterprise Unix; Windows; Macintosh; Platinum Platinum Unix; call tracking, cus- Santa Clara, CA Circle No. 329 client/server help desk, Technology Apriori GT customer support, sales, Oakbrook Terrace, IL Circle No. 313 tomer support, problem resolution quality assurance PowerCerv GrowthPlan Windows; customer Utopia Technology Utopia Client/server-based call Tampa, FL Circle No. 314 support; sales Partners Circle No. 330 tracking, problem resolu- Service Call Unix; Windows; C/S San Francisco, CA tion; intelligent retrieval ProAmerica Systems Management help desk, customer sup- Vycor Corp. DP Umbrella DOS, Windows, SQL Serv- Richardson, TX Circle No. 315 port, problem resolution College Park, MD Circle No. 331 er; help desk, customer support with E-mail